Campus Culture

Campus Life

When a student enrols in an Engineering college, it turns out that the four years of their campus stay become the most defining experience of their life and the one single tag that stays with them forever is that of being an Engineer. They go through numerous subjects, internals, assignments, projects and end term exams. Students might take backpacking road trips with friends or get a backlog for the first time. But whatever happens, the experience of these four years will make them the person they become. But, vaagdevi has a unique methodology to uplift

the students in all aspects of their life and also make their four years of life a fruitful one. So, let’s take a sneak peek into the life of a student.

The Institute has following clubs and societies: Music and Singing, Dance, Literature, Photography, Painting, Coding, Quiz and Debate, Talk-Byte, Short Film, Crafts Clubs; IEEE, ISTE, CSI, ACCE, ICI, IEI(I) etc. These clubs/societies are entirely managed by the students and have been nurturing the creative /cultural talents of the students. In addition to all these, there are also technical clubs such as IOT, Data Science, Coding, and Robotics, 3D printing, Projects and Incubation centre. Physical Education of the Institute aims at providing a safe atmosphere to enable students to exercise to their potential whilst achieving their goals. It offers a variety of fitness, wellness, and recreation opportunities. The Physical Education has major facilities that include Health Centre and Sports Club. Health Club is equipped with single, multi-stationed machines and weight training facilities to provide students with an opportunity of doing exercise for physical fitness while Sports Club has various indoor and outdoor facilities for students to take part in sports and games. The indoor facilities are Badminton, Table Tennis while outdoor facilities are Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Cricket, Tennis, Track & Field etc. Sports and fitness activities are supervised by the qualified and experienced staff members of the Institute.

Vaagdevi students organize a wide range of festivals during an academic year. VAAG KREEDA (Sports Meet), a sports festival; VAAG Tarang, a cultural festival and Technocrat, Traditional Day, an Academic Festival thus bringing about a beautiful blend of sports, cultural and academic milieu of the campus. All these festivals are entirely managed by student coordinators in which a large number of students from all over the region will actively participate.