About Data Science

Data Science is an interdisciplinary course which combines wide areas of statistics, analytics, visualization of data and Knowledge Extraction. In today’s technical world where data is growing exponentially, data science ensures that the huge incoming data is properly handled, efficiently analyzed and extracts useful knowledge for business development. This course helps students to build mathematical and engineering skills required to advance their career as a Data Scientist or Data Engineer.

Data Science Technologies
  1. Python for Data Preprocessing
  2. R Programming
  3. Machine Learning with Data Visualization
  5. Tableau for Data Visualization
  6. Apache Storm for Big Data Systems
  7. Apache Spark
  8. Map Reduce Vs No SQL Data Bases
  9. Cloud Computing
Career Opportunities
  1. Data Analyst: Data analysts bridge the gap between data scientists and business analysts.
  2. Data Scientist: Data scientists examine which questions need answering and where to find the related data.
  3. Data Engineer: Data engineers manage exponential amounts of rapidly changing data.
  4. Data Architect: Builds data solutions for performance and design applications.
  5. Application Architect: Track how applications can be used throughout a business process.