ECE Labs

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Electronics and Communication Engineering

Khammam Road, Bollikunta, Khila Warangal (Mandal), Warangal Urban, Telangana – 506 005.

+91 870 245 5144

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Vaagdevi College of Engineering has sophisticated labs for students to acquire knowledge through VLSI design lab, DSP lab, Microwave engineering lab, Communication systems lab, MP&MC lab, linear & digital IC lab and other basic electronics labs. The labs at VCE are well equipped with the latest equipment and servers with high-speed internet connectivity. Guidance for ECE students at our autonomous college in Warangal is provided by a team of experienced faculty members and lab technicians. The objective of our labs is to establish the department as a renowned academic and research centre among B. Tech colleges in Warangal & to cater to the needs of the student community for the development of the nation. Towards fulfilling the objective, the department has created excellent infrastructure, laboratories and workshops, with a dedicated team of faculty members. VCE constantly upgrades the lab amenities to provide students and staff with state-of-the-art facilities. Vaagdevi College of Engineering has earned a reputation for the excellence of its work across a range of technological-based disciplines among best engineering colleges in Telangana. Our ECE lab is a perfect resource centre equipped with the recent equipment and internet facility to feed the art of Electronics and Communications to our budding engineers.

S. No. Room No. Name of the Laboratory Name of Instruments with quantity
1 A-104 Analog Communications Lab Cathode ray oscilloscope-10, Function Generator(0-1MHz)-5,Function Generator(0-10 MHz)-5, Spectrum Analyzer, Trainer Kits- 14, Computers-30, MATLab Software, SCILab Software-30.
2 A-105 Electronic Devices & Circuits Ammeters-8 , Multimeters-8, Trainer Boards with Voltmeters, Decade Resistance Box & Center Tapped Transformers-4, RPS-8, Bread Boards-8, CROs-4,Function Generators-4.
3 A-105 Electronic Circuits Lab Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes 0-20 MHz-6, Function Generators 0-1 MHz-6, Regulated Power Supplies 0-30 V-6, Trainer boards-5
4 A-204 Microprocessors & Microprocessors Lab “8086 Microprocessors Kits-10, Cathode ray oscilloscope, 8051 Microcontrollers-8, Real Time Colck IC-2, MPMC Kits-15
5 A-205 IC Applications Lab Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes(0-20 MHz)-9, Function Generator(0-1 MHz)-6, Regulated Power Supplies(0-30 V)-10, Trainer Kits-11,Ammeter 0-100 mA / µA-1, Voltmeters 0-100 V -1
6 A-205 Pulse & Digital Circuits Lab Cathode ray oscilloscope-9,Function GeneratorS-9,Regulated power supply-9,DMM-10,Trainer Kits- 2
7 A-205/A MPMC Lab(SW) Computers-30, MASM Software, Keil Software, SDCC Software
8 A-223 Electronic Circuits Lab (SW) Computers-30, Simulation Software-30 users MATLab Software
9 A-223 Analog Communications Lab (SW) Computers-30, Simulation Software-30 users MATLab Software
10 A-224 Digital Communication Lab Cathode ray oscilloscope-10, Trainer Kits-14, Spectrum Analyzer-1
11 A-224 IC PDC Lab Cathode ray oscilloscope-9,Function GeneratorS-9,Regulated power supply-9, DMM-1, Trainer Kits-2
12 A-225 Digital Logic Design & Microprocessors Lab IC Trainer Boards-5, 8086 Microprocesor Trainer Kits-5
13 A-304 A-304 Basic Electronics Lab Ammeters-10 , Regulated power supply-10, BREAD BOARDS-10, Cathode ray oscilloscope-2, Multimeters-10, Trainer boards withVoltmeter, Ammeter, DRB, Center tapped Transformer-8, Function Generators-2
14 A-305 Microwave Engineering Lab Klystron Stups-7, Gunn Diode setups -1, VSWR meters -5, Magic tee -2, Circulator-3, Directional Coupler-2, Fixed Attenuators-2, Waveguide-1, Matched Terminators-5, Optical Kits-6Cathode ray oscilloscopes-10.
15 A-332 VLSI & ECAD Lab Project Lab Computers-30, XILINX Software-30 users, CPLD & FPGA Kits-2, Mentor Graphics- 18 users, Tanner EDA Tools-5 users
16 A-334 Analog IC Design Lab Computers-30, XILINX Software-30 users, CPLD & FPGA Kits-2, Mentor Graphics- 18 users, Tanner EDA Tools-5 users
17 A-334 Digital IC Design Lab Computers-30, XILINX Software-30 users, CPLD & FPGA Kits-2, Mentor Graphics- 18 users, Tanner EDA Tools-5 users
18 A-334 Mixed Signal IC Design Lab Computers-30, XILINX Software-30 users, CPLD & FPGA Kits-2, Mentor Graphics- 18 users, Tanner EDA Tools-5 users
19 A-403 Simulation Lab Computers-30, MATLab, SCILab Software-30 users.
20 A-403 Digital Signal Processing Lab Computers-30, MATLab, SCILab Software-30 users, DSP Processors Kits-2,CROs-2, Function Generators-2
21 A-408 Simulation Lab Computers-30, MATLab, SCILab Software-30 users
22 A-408 Advanced Data Communication Networking Lab Computers-30, MATLab, SCILab Software-30 users
23 A-408 Formatting & Analysis Lab Computers-30, MATLab, SCILab Software-30 users

Laboratory Gallery