Webinar on Money Management

Webinar on “3D Modelling on Google sketch-up, creating Exterior and Interior Elevation”

VAAGDEVI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Bollikunta, Khila Warangal (Mandal), Warangal Urban (Dist.), India

Department of Civil Engineering is organising a “3D Modelling on Google sketch-up, creating Exterior and Interior Elevation” from 30th July 2020 to 1st August 2020. The event will be addressed by Er.R. Udhayasankar, Structural Consultant & Software Expert. Register at: https://forms.gle/sSBgkVLvUayXJUfx6

1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Energy Advancements

1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Energy Advancements (ICCIEA-2020) (Scopus Indexed), December 12-13, 2020, www.icciea.co, Jointly Organized By: Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal, India & Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management (ICRSETM-2020)

VAAGDEVI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Bollikunta, Khila Warangal (Mandal), Warangal Urban (Dist.), India

About Conference This International conference is to provide the platform for Students, Engineers, Researchers and Scientists to share their knowledge and ideas in the recent trends in the field of Computer Science & Engg, Electrical Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Electronics & Instrumentation Engg, Instrumentation & Control Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Bio-Medical Engg, Aeronautical […]

Webinar on Blockchain Technology And Its Applications by Mr. Mohit Vashistha

Technology will never replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational. Blockchain is a key technology in the Digital Supply Chain. IETE Students Forum VEC presents you with an enthralling webinar on Blockchain Technology And Its Applications by Mr. Mohit Vashistha, a Senior Blockchain developer with three years of experience. […]