MBA Publications


List of journal & conference publications by various faculty and students of Vaagdevi College of Engineering, one of the best among MBA colleges in Warangal

Dr. Bhaskar Rao Yanamandra
  1. Asia Pasific Journal of Research in Business Management International Journal 2017,July Vol:8,Issue:7.A Study on Job Satisfaction at TSPNDCL, Warangal .
  2. Knowledge Management 2012,January Volume: 8 A study on Indian coal India issues and challenges HRD Strategies for improving work environment in mining industry. A Study on Coal Industry with special references to singareni Collieries Company ISBN-13 978-3-8433-9416-1.
  3. Performance of poverty evaluation program in India. 2011 KUJOS.
  4. Spirituality at work place NHRD journal-2008.
  5. Evolution of ATMs-A perfect financial inclusion strategy-2016 ISBN978-93-85100-41-3.
Dr.Shaik Mahaboob SyedJournals
  1. Dr.N.G.A.Prasad & Dr.Shaik Mahaboob Syed – A Study on Entrepreneurial Development Activities by District Industries Center, Indore Management Journal (IMJ), 2017,ISSN :0975-1653 . . ,UGC NO: 43665 & SCOPUS
  2. Dr.Shaik Mahaboob Syed & Krishna Simhadri – Significance of Technology In . . . . . . Banking,International Research Journal Of Management Science & Technology SPERFT ,2017, ISSN : 2250-1950,Ugc No: 47959.
  3. Dr.Shaik Mahaboob Syed & Dr.Y.Bhaskar Rao – A Study on Job Satisfaction atTSNPDCL,Warangal, Asia Pasific Journal of Research in Business Management,2017,ISSN : 2229-4104,SCOPUS.
  4. Dr.Shaik Mahaboob Syed & Sri Vani Vidyadhari – A Study on Employee WelfareMeasures at Southern Power Distribution Company Limited of Andhrapradesh, EPRA International Research Journal of Economic and Business Review,2016, ISSN : 2349-0187,UGC No: 47335.
  5. Shaik Mahaboob Syed – Highlights of Training & Development Activities in CIRT and APSRTC, Elsevier Publications, 2014, I.S.B.N:978-93-5107-206-5.
  6. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & Dr.P.Balaji Prasad -Employee Welfare Measures In A.P.S.R.T.C, Research Explorer,ISSN :2250-1940,2013,Ugc No: 63185.
  7. N.Hima Bindu & Shaik Mahaboob Syed – Stress Management in SVIMS Hospital, Tirupati, A.P, PEZZOTTAITE, 2013,ISSN :2279-0969.
  8. Dr.G.Varakumar & Shaik Mahaboob Syed – Regulatory Frame Work of Good Corporate Governance with special reference to Indian Corporate Governance Mechanism, Inter National Journal of Research in Commerce,I.T&Management,2013,Issn:2231-5756.
  9. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & S,Md.Azash – Compensation and Benefits in Tech Mahin dra,Managing Human Resources at The Work Place,2013, ISBN : 978-81-922146-5-8.
  10. Suresh Chandra,Ch & Shaik Mahaboob Syed, Risk Issues in Electronic Banking Strategies for Sustainable Growth, Discovery Publishing House Pvt.Ltd,2013, ISBN : 93-5056-259-6.
  11. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & S,Md.Azash – Sexual Harassment at Higher Educational Institutions : A Case Study of Selected Higher Educational Institutions, Indian Journal of Women and Development, 2012, ISSN : 2231-3974.
  12. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & Dr.P.Balaji Prasad – A Study of Employee Perception for Joining in Trade Union With Reference To A.P.S.R.T.C, Kadapa (Depot), Stanford Welfare Organization Publishers,2012, ISBN : 975-91-95268-5-3.
  13. N.Hima Bindu & Shaik Mahaboob Syed – Role of Micro Finance in The Empowerment of Women,G.K.Publishers,2012,Isbn : 978-93-81208-04-5.
  14. Shaik Mahaboob Syed – A Study of Policy Holders Perception Towards Insurance With Special Reference to LIC, Nellore Division, Serial Publications, New Delhi,2012, Isbn:978-81-8387-533-2.
  15. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & Dr.P.Balaji Prasad – Trade Unions – A Case Study f APSRTC, Case Studies In Management : Theory and Practice, Humming Words Publishers,2012, Isbn:978-81-9207390-1-9.
  16. Shaik Mahaboob Syed , S,Md.Azash & N.Hima Bindu – HRD Climate in SBI ; An Imperial Investigation In Selected SBI Bank Employees In Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, 6ms Journal,2011, ISSN : 2230-7907.
  17. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & S,Md.Azash – Legal Dimension of Knowledge Management in Application Of H.R Practices, Knowledge Management in Application of H.R Practices,2011,Isbn:978-81-905242-0-7.
  18. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & S,Md.Azash – The Right to Information Act, 2005: A tool for Effective Corporate Governance – A Case Study of Andhra bank., Sankalpa: Journal of Management & Research,2011, ISSN :22311904,UGC no :45747.
  19. Shaik Mahaboob Syed & Dr.P.Balaji Prasad – Changing Role of Human Resource Management in The Era of Economic Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, Agasthiyar Noolgam Publishers,2011,ISBN : 978-93-80530-39-0.
  20. Shaik Mahaboob Syed – Women Entrepreneurship – Problems and Prospects With Special Reference to Chittoor District in Andhra Pradesh, RKM Engineering College, ISBN : 978-81-920889-8-3.



  1. B.Vijay & Dr.B.Natarajan: 2012 & September. Empowerment of women entrepreneurship in the coastal villages of Tamil Nadu International Journal for Exclusive Management Research, Vol 2 Issue 9 online.ISSN 2249–2585.
  2. B.Vijay & Dr.B.Natarajan: 2014&August. Coastal women empowerment in Tamil Nadu with special reference to India. The International Journal’s Research Journal Social Science & Management. Volume: 04, Number: 04& pg.nos.170.ISSN:2251-1571.
  3. Vijay.B & Mulakala Srinivas: 2017&April. A Distant Dream: Coastal Women Empowerment at Dhanuskodi. Journal of Exclusive Management Science. Vol 6 Issue 04 – ISSN 2277-5684.


  1. B.Vijay & Dr.B.Natarajan:2013&May. Marketing performance of fisher women in the tsunami affected seaport of Nagapattinam districts, Tamil Nadu state in India Indian Streams Research Joural Volume 3, Issue. 4, May. 2013 ISSN:-2230-7850.

Research Publications:



  1. The Influence of Purchase Intentions on Online Customers published in Journal Of Advance Management Research – Volume 6, Issue 4, April 18, Pages: 67-83, Available online at:, ISSN: 2393-9664 Vol.06 Issue-04, (April 2018), Impact Factor: 4.73, Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed International Journal – Included in the International Serial Directories.
  2. The Effect Of Advertising Trustworthiness On Purchase Intentions published in International Journal of Research Publications Volume-3, Issue-1,April 2018, PII : Dr. G. Ravi kumar .100315201857 DOI: 100315201857 Web:
  3. Environmental Concern- A Fear Appeal In Advertising published in International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Available online at: Vol. 8 Issue 1, January- 2018, ISSN(o): 2249-7382 | Impact Factor: 6.939 |, International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences Email:-,, (An open access scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journal.)Scopus Id : 2B49398203E6C8AF.
  4. Factors Influencing Online Shopping In Super Markets published in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology Vol.(9)Issue(4), pp.067-075 DOI: e-ISSN:2278-621X, Index Copernicus, ICV – 77.02/100 Index Copernicus, ICV – 7.39/10 e-ISSN : 2278-621X Cosmos Impact Factor – 4.490/10 Global Impact Factor – 0.685/1 p-ISSN : 2319-3778.
  5. Impact of internet on online purchasers of movie tickets in building positive attitude published in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology Vol. (9)Issue(3), pp.109-118 DOI: e-ISSN:2278-621X, , Index Copernicus, ICV – 77.02/100 Index Copernicus, ICV – 7.39/10 e-ISSN : 2278- 621X Cosmos Impact Factor – 4.490/10 Global Impact Factor – 0.685/1 p-ISSN : 2319- 3778.
  6. Importance Of Brand Trust |On Corporate Social Responsibility published in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology Vol.(8)Issue(3), pp.315-322 DOI: e-ISSN:2278-621X, Index Copernicus, ICV – 77.02/100 Index Copernicus, ICV – 7.39/10 e-ISSN : 2278-621X Cosmos Impact Factor – 4.490/10 Global Impact Factor – 0.685/1 p-ISSN : 2319-3778.
  7. Consumer Behavior on Online Shopping in India published in International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology ISSN: 2278-9359 (Volume-6, Issue-4) April 2017 pp, Cosmos Impact Factor: 2015 : 3.969.
  8. Consumers’ Attitude in Green Purchasing published in FIIB Business Review, Volume 6 Issue 1, January – March 2017 pp 34-44, FBR is indexed with EBSCO Host, ProQuest, JGate, Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery and CNKI Scholar. FBR is also Listed in UGC approved journal list No. 62831.
  9. IMPACT OF EMOTIONS IN RETAIL STORES published in International Journal of Research in IT and Management (IJRIM) Available online at: Vol. 7, Issue 3, March – 2017, pp. 138~147 ISSN(o): 2231-4334 | ISSN(p): 2349-6517 | Impact Factor: 6. 505 | Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: L-5236-2015Scopus ID: 4FC469B7C1B008AF.
  10. Consumer Perceptions And Behavior On Diamonds In India published in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology Vol.(8)Issue(2), pp.151-158, DOI: e-ISSN:2278-621X, Index Copernicus, ICV – 77.02/100, Index Copernicus, ICV – 7.39/10 e-ISSN : 2278-621X Cosmos Impact Factor – 4.490/10 Global Impact Factor – 0.685/1 p-ISSN : 2319-3778.
  11. Corporate Social Responsibility for Consumers at Retail Grocery Stores published in International Journal of Engineering Research And Management (IJERM), Volume-04, Issue-02, February 2017 PP 28-34, with ISSN: 2349- 2058, impact factor 1.317.
  12. Influence of Technology on Social Communication in Local Communities published in International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, (Volume-6, Issue-2), February 2017 PP 79-83, , with ISSN: 2278-9359, Cosmos Impact Factor: 2015 : 3.969.
  13. Effectiveness Of Advertising Through Social Media In India- A Select Region published U.S.A.; Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Poland Open J-gate, India; New Jour-Electronic Journals & Newsletter; SCIRUS; EZB, Germany; Bibliotheks system Universität –Hamburg; Max Perutz Library- Vienna; E-Journals Eastern Europe.
  14. Influence of Brand Image on Consumer Purchase Behavior: A Comparison of Northern and Southern foot wear markets in India published in The International Journal of Research in IT and Management (IJRIM) Vol. 6, Issue 12, December – 2016, pp. 24~33 with ISSN(o): 2231-4334 | ISSN(p): 2349-6517,| Impact Factor: 5.96 | Thomson Reuters ID: L-5236-2015.
  15. Supply and Demand Side of Women’s Entrepreneurship among Urban Women in India published in ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Volume 3, Number 2, February 2013, page No. 277-288 with ISSN 2231-5780, Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, U.S.A.; Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Poland Open J-gate, India; New Jour-Electronic Journals & Newsletter; SCIRUS; EZB, Germany; Bibliotheks system Universität – Hamburg; Max Perutz Library- Vienna; E-Journals Eastern Europe.
  16. Evaluations of Brand Extensions into the Consumer Market published in Acme Intellects International Journal of Research in Management, Volume 3, Number 3, July 2013 with ISSN-2320-2939 (Print), 2320-2793 (Online). Google & DIIF Google Scholarly Indexed Journal- AIIJRMSST Impact factor 1.537 Indexed Journal- AIIJRMSST with an impact factor 1.938.
  17. CRM in Fashion Companies for Readymade Men’s Wear published in ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, ZIJBEMR, Volume 3, Number 4, April 2013, page No. 116-126 with ISSN 2249-8826, Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, U.S.A.; Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Poland Open J-gate, India; New Jour- Electronic Journals & Newsletter; SCIRUS; EZB, Germany; Bibliotheks system Universität –Hamburg; Max Perutz Library- Vienna; E-Journals Eastern Europe.
  18. Cross Regional Equivalence of Consumer Confidence in the Safety of Food published in 1.537 Indexed Journal- AIIJRMSST with an impact factor 1.938.
  19. From Turmoil to Competence through Solar Energy published in EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies EIJMMS, Volume 3, Number 7, July 2013 page No. 165-173 with ISSN 2249- 8834, Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, U.S.A.; Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Poland Open J-gate, India; New Jour-Electronic Journals & Newsletter; SCIRUS; EZB, Germany; Bibliotheks system Universität – Hamburg; Max Perutz Library- Vienna; E-Journals Eastern Europe,


  1. E- Entrepreneurship Among Start-Upspublished inInternational Journal Of Research Culture Society ISSN: 2456-6683 Volume – 1, Issue – 09, Nov – 2017, UGC Approved Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal, UGC Jr.No – 64291, Impact Factor: 3.449.
  2. Engaging Multinationals in Africa published in Leadstar international journal of Business (LIJOB) Volume 1, Issue No.1 2017, special issue Leading change in Rising Africa with ISSN 2521-8174.
  3. Movement Towards Cashless Economy through Demonetization published in Airo International Research Journal (AIRO) Volume IX, February 2017 with ISSN :2320- 3174 , international journal impact factor is 2.56 & peer reviewed Index journal, Approved & listed by UGC.
  4. Elucidating Demonetization in India published in Airo International Research Journal (AIRO) Volume IX, February 2017 PP 1-10, with ISSN :2320-3174, international journal impact factor is 2.56 & peer reviewed Index journal, Approved & listed by UGC.
  5. Demonetization In India an era for Digital payments published in Splint International journal of Professionals Vol 4, Issue ( 1), January 2017, PP 40-48 with ISSN 2349- 0045.


  1. Influence of Brand Image on Consumer Purchase Behavior: A Comparison of Northern and Southern foot wear markets in India Consumer behavior towards Online Shopping in India-A Study with Reference to Select Regions Published in The IIS University Journal of Commerce & Management, Volume 3 Issue 1, November 2014, Page No.23-41 with ISSN 2320-4907.
  2. Cause related marketing on consumer attitude to the brand and purchase intention: A comparison between sponsorship and sales promotion published in Vishleshak- an annual journal of management studies, Volume: 2, Special Issue, July 2013, Page No. 94-110 with ISSN 2320-625X and E-ISSN 2321-4104.
  3. Consumer Confidence on the Food Safety published in Steward Business Review-An International refereed Journal June-July, 2013 Issue with ISSN No. – 2320 – 9399).
  4. User’s Attitude in the Context of Blogs and Communities published in the Review of Professional Management- A Journal of New Delhi Institute of Management, Volume 10, Issue 1, January-June, 2012 page No. 40-46 with ISSN-0972-8686.
  5. Blog Marketing published in Indira Management Review, Volume VI, Issue 1, January 2012, Page No. 35-45 with ISSN-0974-3928.
  6. A Study of Barriers and Facilitators to Mobile Customer Relationship Management Adoption published in The IASMS Journal of Business Spectrum, A bi-annual Journal from Indian Academy School of Management Studies, Volume V, No 2, July 2012page No. 86-92 with ISSN 0974-8016.
  7. Negative Aspects of Celebrity Endorsement-A Case Study published in WIM journal of Management, Volume 3, Number 2, January 2012, page No. 92-102, with ISSN-0975- 5063.
  8. Guerrilla Marketing- reaching the Customer in an Untraditional Way published in IRJC, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management ReviewVolume1 Number 3, November 2012, with ISSN: 2319-2836.
  9. Product Gender Perception and Gender Similarities in Generation Y- A Study published in Prabhandan A scholarly Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume No.2 Issue 3 April 2012, with ISSN: 2229-4791.
  10. Building Loyalty through Customer Loyalty Programs published in Journal of IPM Meerut, Volume 12, Number 2, July-December 2011, and page No. 1- 12 with ISSN- 0976-0873.
  11. Disinvestment and Indian Economy – published in Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, volume 1, Issue 1, October 2011, page No. 20-32 with ISSN-2249-7323.
  12. Women’s Online Purchasing Behavior in India- A Study with Reference to E- commerce published in the IME Journal, Volume VI No.1 January 2012, page No.63-70, with ISSN- 0974-0716.
  13. Consumer Based-Brand Equity on Consumer Perception of Brand- A Case Study fHaleem Food Restaurants published in Prabhandan Volume No.2 Issue, No.1, February,2012 page No. 40-47, with ISSN-2229-4791.
  14. A Study on Customer Satisfaction of 3G Services in Select Regions of Andhra Pradesh published in Mangalmay journal of Management and Technology Volume 6, Number 12, July-December 2012, Page No. 60-77 with ISSN print-0973-7351 and Online-2230-729x.
  15. A Study on Specialization Process of Consumer-From TV to the Mall published in Journal of IPM Meerut, Volume 13, Number 1, January-June 2012, and page No. 12- 20 with ISSN-0976-0873.
  16. Positioning of software Packages in India-A case study- published in Journal of institute of Environment and management, July 2007 issue.
  17. Working capital management in public sectors-A case study of BHEL-published in MInfiniti, Journal of Management, Volume-1, issue No.2, March 2007.
  18. C.R.M On Hospital Industry- A Study- published in JIMS 8M, the Journal Of Jagannath International Management School New Delhi Volume 10 No.1. January-March, 2005.
  1. Strategies to attract the consumers to convenience stores published in Multidisciplinary perspectives on education, Lambert Academic Publishing with ISBN 978-613-4-95863-9, 2018 pages 96-107.
  2. Promotion effectiveness of retailers published in Multidisciplinary perspectives on education, Lambert Academic Publishing with ISBN 978-613-4-95863-9, 2018 pages 25- 33.
  3. Marketing Adoption Factors through Facebook among Tourist Operators in India published in Conference on Digital Transformation of Business in India: Opportunities and Challenges 2017 with ISBN No: 978-93-5268-336-9 pages 101 – 113.
  4. Companies In India published in Corporate Social Responsibility Public sectors, Private sectors and MNCs, Vrinda publishing house with ISBN 97893855180809, 2017 pages 590 – 595.
  5. Operationalization Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Multi National Enterprises Published in International Journal of Social Sciences & Economic Environment, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2017, pp 34-52.
  6. Understanding Customer Behavior of Retail Banking in Select Regions of Andhra Pradesh Published in Global Journal of Management & Technology –A Special Issue onRole of Financial services in Growth of Indian Economy, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2013, Page No. 46-56 with ISSN:2319-6823.
  7. Mergers and Acquisitions- Indian Private Equity Published in Role of Financial services in Growth of Indian Economy, September 2013page No. 15-25 with ISBN:978-81- 923541-2-5.
  8. Consumer Behavior on Online Shopping in India- a Study with Reference to Select Regions published in Buenmafe Research and Review- The Business Journal Volume 1, Issue 2, August 2013, page No. 33-42 with ISSN-2320-5296.
  9. Vertical Integration-An effective Tool in the Era of Steel Integration- published in the IME Journal, Volume V No.2 July 2011, page No.33-38, with ISSN-0974-0716.
  10. Guerilla Marketing Media in the Indian context published in Advertising Express, Aprill 2011, ICFAI university Publications page No 38-45, reference number, 18m-2011-04-08- 01, Hyderabad.
  11. Competitive Dimensions of Indian Label and Tag Industry published in Advertising Express, February 2011, ICFAI university Publications page No 38-45, reference number, 18m-2011-02-09-01, Hyderabad.
  12. Concerns of HR in Mergers and Acquisitions published in Orient Journal of law and Social Sciences, July 2009, Volume III, Issue 8, page No 143-151, with ISSN 0973-7480.
  13. EAPs the promising indispensable gizmo to the organization- published in Business Manger, a Complete Magazine of Management, H.R.D. &Labour Laws, Lajpat Nagar-2, New Delhi-110024. Volume:10, No.9, March 2008.
  14. Entrepreneurship in India-published in Kakatiya Business Review, September, 2007 issue volume IV No.1.
  15. Customer Relationship Management For Knowledge Process Outsourcing – published in Prakasha, Journal Of Education And Research, Volume: IV, No.2, July, 2006.
  16. Navigating Change In 21st Century- published in Business Manager, a Complete Magazine of Management, H.R.D. &Labour Laws, Labour Law Reporter, A-43, Lajpat Nagar-2, New Delhi-110024. Volume:9, No.11, May 2007.
  17. Challenges in Performance Management- published in Business Manger, a Complete Magazine of Management, H.R.D. &Labour Laws, Labour Law Reporter, A-43, Lajpat Nagar-2, New Delhi-110024. Volume:9, No.8, February 2007.
  18. Managing Generation X in India- published in HRD News Letter, A Monthly Journal Of National HRD Network, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500016, Volume:22 Issue:6, September 2006.
  19. Leadership Through Transformation- published in HRD News Letter, A Monthly JournalOf National HRD Network, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500016, Volume:22 Issue:5, August 2006.
  20. Management Audit An Accounting Tool For Performance Management- published in PRABANDH, A Journal Of Management Education And Research, MohanlalSukhadia University, New Campus, Udaipur (raj.)-Volume 22, June 2006.
  21. FDIs in Financial Sector-the Thrust areas of Growth- published in BUSINESS VISION, A Quarterly Journal of Management, Sister Nivedita Foundation, Hyderabad, A.P. India- Volume 2 No.1, January-March 2006.
  22. Leader As A Ladder- published in TATAVA, journal of KLS Institute of Management Education and Research, Vol.1 No.1, September 2004.
  23. C.R.M and S.C.M. The New Business Strategies published in Prestige Journal Of Management And Research, Volume 7, No 1, April 2003.
  1. “Role of Financial Inclusion in Building Indian Economy”, National Seminar on Managing Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage organized by Global Association for Continum of Business Management (GACBM), Hyderabad, 2013 pp.27 – 36, ISBN No. 978-93-82163-42-8.
  2. “Shadow Banking – An innovative tool for financial intermediation in India”, AICTE Sponsored Two day National Seminar on “Role of Financial Services in Growth of Indian Economy” organized by Alluri Institute of Management Sciences, Warangal, 2013, pp 86 – 92, ISBN No. 978-81-923541-2-5.
  3. “Role of Rural Finance for Sustainable Development”, – Indo Global Journal of (International Quarterly Journal) Applied Management Science (ISSN-2320-7892), Volume –II, Issue-2, April, 2014.
  4. “Role of Digital Banking in Furthering Financial Inclusion” – Emerging Trends in Banking and Insurance Sectors, 2016, pp 276-280 (ISBN 978-93-85100-41-3).
  5. “Does Financial Sector Development Causes Economic Growth? – A case study of Southern Region” – Journal of Research in Science Technology Engineering and Management, Vol.01 Issue 1, September, 2015.
  6. “Empowerment of Women Through SHGs – A case study on Sangem Mandal of Warangal district” – Emerging Trends in Science, Technology & Management organized by Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, pp 126-131 (ISBN 978-93-83038-20-6.


  1. Knowledge Management in Indian Organizations: Challenges and the Road Ahead. Feb 2011, ISBN 978-81-905242-0-7, Page No 326 – 332.
  2. Management and Social Sciences – Its Impact on Sustainable Development, Oct-2013, ISBN 978-93-83038 084, Page No 71.
  3. Emerging Dimensions of Service Marketing, Sep-2014, ISBN-978-93-84648-74-9, Page No 52-58.
  4. Emerging trends in banking and insurance sectors.July-2016, ISBN-978-93-85100-41-3, Page No -122-127.
  5. Farmers suicides: causes, consequences and prevention measures.ISBN:978-85132-11-7.
  6. International journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research Vol -07, issue 07 Jun2018 ISSN 2456-5083.

Research Publications:

  1. “Impact of Total Quality Management Practices on the profitability and service quality of Public sector Commercial Banks”- International Journal of science Technology and Management. ISSN: 2394-1537, Volume 05, issue: 03 , March 2016.
  2. “Foreign Direct Investment trends and issues in India during the last decade”- IJARSE, ISSN:2319-8354,Volume 05, Issue 04, April 2016.
  3. “A Study on Working of Life Insurance Sector in India”- IJDMM, ISSN: 2319-6793, Volume 02, Issue 01,January 2015.
  4. “ Corporate Social Responsibility : An Analysis of Impact and challenges in India”- IJDMM, ISSN: 2319-6793, Volume 02, Issue 01, October – December 2016.
  5. “Use of Information and Communication Technology in Banking sector in India”- ISBN: 978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  6. “ Initiatives and challenges of Make In India”- ISBN:978-93-87418-00-4, Vrinda Publishing House, 2017.
  7. “Goods and services Tax- its Impact on Indian Economy”IJRCS, ISSN: 2456-6683, Issue 10, 6th and 7th March, 2018.

Research Publications:

  1. Innovations in banking sector to improve the operational efficiency of banks – ISSN: 2454-9150.
  2. Operational performance of nationalized bank- A case study of Bank of Baroda- ISSN:2249-7455.
  3. Sustainability and Inclusiveness – Pradhanamantri Jan-Dhan Yojana-Isbn 978-81- 920859-5-1.
  4. Modern Technology Trends In Banking –ISBN 978-93-85100-41-3.

Journal Publications

  1. P.Deepthi, “Innovations on Entrepreneurship”, Women Entrepreneurship in India-problems and opportunities, ISBN:978-93-85101-98-4,Paramount Publishing House, 2018.
  2. K. Radhika “Innovations on Entrepreneurship”, Prospects and challenges of Rural Entrepreneurship Development” ISBN:978-93-85101-98-4, Paramount Publishing House, 2018.
  3. K.Radhika “ Role of Technology in Banking and financial services”, Human Resources practices in Banking sector- A Study on SBI, ISBN:978-93-85640-99-5, Archers & Elevators Publishing house 2018.
  4. P.Deepthi “Role of Technology in Banking and financial services”, Human Resources practices in Banking sector- A Study on SBI, ISBN:978-93-85640-99-5, Archers & Elevators Publishing house 2018
  5. S.Sarika “Role of Technology in Banking and financial services”, Impact of Technology innovations on the performance of Banks – A Study on ICICI Bank”, ISBN: 978-93-85640-99-5, Archers & Elevators Publishing house, 2018.
  6. Ch.Bhargavi “Make in India issues and challenges”, Initiatives and challenges of Make in India, ISBN: 978-93-85518-15-7, Vrinda publishing house, 2017.
  7. P.Deepthi “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Role of digital banking in financial inclusion, ISBN: 978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  8. S.Sarika “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Role of digital banking in financial inclusion, ISBN: 978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  9. M.Sravanthi “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Core Banking Solutions in Indain Banking Sector, ISBN: 978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  10. M.Sravanthi “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Use of Information & Communication Technology in Banking sector in India, National, 2016,
  11. M. Murali “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Role of Information Technology on Indian Banking sector, ISBN: 978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  12. K.Venu Kesi Reddy “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Modern Technology Trends in Banking, ISBN:978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  13. K. Aruna, “ Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Life Insurance sector in India opportunities and challenges, National, ISBN: 978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  14. V. Sravanthi “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Life Insurance sector in India opportunities and challenges, ISBN:978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  15. K.Radhika “Farmers suicides: Causes consequences and preventive measures”, Financial support and credit system to the farmers-A Study of Telangana state, ISBN:978-93-85132-11-7, vaagdevi publishers, 2016.
  16. S.Sarika “Farmers suicides: Causes consequences and preventive measures”, Financial support and credit system to the farmers-A Study of Telangana state, ISBN:978-93-85132-11-7, vaagdevi publishers, 2016.
  17. Dr.K.Prasad Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors, Evolution of ATM’s – A Perfect Financial Inclusion Strategy 2016, ISBN:978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House.
  18. Ch.Bhargavi “Emerging trends in Banking and Insurance sectors”, Use of Information & Communication Technology in Banking sector in India, ISBN:978-93-85100-41-3, Paramount Publishing House, 2016.
  19. K. Aruna “Recent trends in Engineering”, Science and Management, Foreign Direct Investment trends and issues in India during the last decade, ISSN:2319-8354, A.R. Research Publication International Research Publication, 2016.
  20. M. Sravanthi “Recent trends in Engineering”, Science and Management, Foreign Direct Investment trends and issues in India during the last decade, ISSN:2319-8354, A.R. Research Publication International Research Publication, 2016.
  21. Ch. Bhargavi “Recent trends in Engineering”, Science and Management, Foreign Direct Investment trends and issues in India during the last decade, ISSN:2319-8354, A.R. Research Publication International Research Publication, 2016.
  22. Ch. Bhargavi “Recent innovation in science, Engineering and Management”, Impact of TQM practices on the profitability and service quality of public sector commercial Banks, ISSN:2394- 1537, A.R. Research Publication International Research Publication, 2016.
  23. M. Sravanthi “Recent innovation in science”, Engineering and Management, Impact of TQM practices on the profitability and service quality of public sector commercial Banks, ISSN:2394- 1537, A.R. Research Publication International Research Publication, 2016.
  24. K. Aruna “Trends in Modern Banking”, Mobile Banking in India Challenges prospects, , ISBN:978-93-52300-96-9, BS Publications, 2015.
  25. Venu Kesi Reddy “Trends in Modern Banking”, Emerging Trends Reforms and policies in Banking Industry- A Road Map to Financial Inclusion, 2015.
  26. Dr.K.Prasad “Inclusiveness and sustainability for Business growth”, Sustainability and inclusiveness: Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana-A key Success Factor, ISBN:978-81-920859-5- 1, IASMS, 2015.
  27. Venu Kesi Reddy “Inclusiveness and sustainability for Business growth”, Sustainability and inclusiveness: Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana-A key Success Factor, ISBN:978-81-920859-5- 1, IASMS, 2015.
  28. Dr. K. Prasad “Kshatriya Journal of Applied Management & Research”, A Road Map to Make in India – Innovative Strategies for Global perspective, ISSN:2394-286X, INDIAN PRESS, 2015.
  29. Dr.K.Prasad “Trends in Modern Banking”, Emerging Trends Reforms and policies in Banking Industry- A Road Map to Financial Inclusion, ISBN:978-93-52300-96-9, BS Publications, 2014.
  30. Dr.K.Prasad “Emerging trends in Science”, Technology and Management, Problems and Prospects of Micro Finance institutions in India, ISBN:978-93-83038-20-6, Siri Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd. 2014.
  31. S.Sarika “Role of Financial services in growth of Indian economy”, Shadow Banking -An innovative tool for financial intermediation in India, ISBN:978-81-92354-12-5, Engineering publications, 2013.
  32. Dr.K.Prasad “Indian innovation Management: Issues and challenges in emerging economies”, innovation Practices in Financial Inclusion in rural India, ISBN:978-93-82163-89-3, paramount publishers, 2013.
  33. Dr.K.Prasad “Management and social sciences its impact on sustainable development”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, ISBN:978-93-83038-08-4, siri publishers, 2013.